FIG Serves families and communites in the Philadelphia and Greater Philadelphia area and helps with:

• Assisting with basic needs including food, mortgage/rent, clothing and transportation.
• Empowering families to become financially stable by providing financial planning and education.
• Facilitating resolution of issues by bringing awareness and helping families to access government and private programs for which they may be eligible.
• Restoring and strengthening relationships among members in a family unit by focusing on the principles of love, trust, respect and communication and reinforcing these principles with an engaging activity
• Serving as a platform for restored families to give back to their immediate communities by volunteering.
Providing administrative support and acting as a liaison to advocate for resources needed in a community


Goods in Service
​​The Goods in Service Program lessens the burden of providing for basic needs through the giving of goods in service to the community. While providing 4 hours/month of service to the community, volunteers can request the goods that they need that fall into the categories of food, clothing and transportation. This program also helps to restore economic equilibrium by facilitating access to government benefits and increasing self-sufficiency through financial education and planning. This program will be geared toward, unemployed, low income and moderate income families. The goal of the program is to help families obtain self-sufficiency, reduce the burden of working and unemployed families by providing for basic needs and increasing economic empowerment, economic stability through the provision of financial education and financial planning . Additionally, the goal is to establish and maintain accountability to the community through volunteering to create a culture of giving.

Restoration Workshops
Restoration Workshops focus on restoring relationships in families by re-introducing principles of virtue including love, trust, communication, and respect. The goal of the workshops is to unite, enhance and maintain the well being of the family unit. Workshops will involve families in engaging activities that will reinforce the virtues and stregthen exisitng relational bonds.
Community Restoration
FIG helps to restore the community through administrative support, advocacy, organization and facilitation. FIG acts as a liaison for connecting the community to needed resources. In particular, FIG has helped to restore a school community by providing administrative and social service support, advocating for needed resources, organizing supporters for resources and facilitating the process for obtaining needed resources.